How do you respectfully engage with reluctant community members when advocating for tenant rights?

Rejection and resistance are part of the process. It is important to be aware of how the person is interacting with you, and consider what the barriers might be.

Keep in mind there are 3 types of no’s: 

  1. No not right now (ex. They’re running out the door to pick up their kid from school)
    • Here you can respond by giving them the quick version and leaving them with more information to follow up on later
  2. No not that (ex. They don’t want to go to a meeting, but they’ll sign a petition)
    • Identify and remove any barriers to participation. If that’s not successful then offer them an alternative. 
  3. No not ever (ex. They’re not supportive of the topic)
    • If they’re very unsupportive then move on! There are lots of people out there who DO want to engage and every no gets you closer to a yes. 

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