What can tenants do to advocate for their rights during a renoviction?

If your landlord has issued you an eviction notice for major repairs or renovations you do not have to leave. If you stay past the move-out date written on the eviction notice (N13), the landlord will apply to the Landlord Tenant Board (LTB) for a hearing.  Tenants legally have the right to return to their unit after renovations at the same rent, however, landlords often would rather pay the fine than allow tenants to return. Tenants can advocate to stay in their units while the repairs/renovations happen if they feel their landlord will not respect their right to return. 

This would require a strong, united fight from many tenants in the building. Reach out to ACORN for support on organizing tenants in your building.

People not directly impacted by housing or tenant rights can help by advocating alongside grassroots tenant activism, increasing capacity and resources to these efforts. 

See list of resources below.

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Address: PO Box 22021, Ottawa, ON K1V 0W2

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