Call for Proposals: Annual Community Forum on Ending Homelessness

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The Alliance to End Homelessness Ottawa is seeking presenters for the 2017 Annual Community Forum on Ending Homelessness, to be held on National Housing Day, November 22nd, 2017 at the RA Centre.

The Annual Community Forum on Ending Homelessness is the only event of its kind in Ottawa, bringing over 250 housing researchers, practitioners, front line workers, policy makers, community organizations and governments together to work collaboratively to build solutions to ending homelessness in Ottawa.

Our program provides an opportunity for local agencies to meet collectively and exchange learning, best-practices and strategies from a growing local and Canadian body of knowledge on ending homelessness, and will offer practical information, tools, research, discussion and much inspiration!

We are inviting proposal submissions for two main programs:

  • Lunch Hour Table Talks
  • Concurrent Workshop Sessions

For more information and to apply. 

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Address: PO Box 22021, Ottawa, ON K1V 0W2

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