Selling a home, including a rental home with tenants, has become a lucrative way to make money.
- The cost of housing increased 19% within the last year in Ontario.
Between 2011-2016, for every purpose-built affordable unit constructed, 15 more were lost in the private market in Canada.
We hear from partners across the province that communities are seeing an increase in tenants being pushed out of their homes, often due to homes being sold or renovated to make way for tenants who are able to pay more. While a landlord can sell a home, tenants have clear rights under the Residential Tenancies Act.
Increasingly, we hear these rights are being ignored. While there are many stories of tenants being pushed out of their homes, there is no hard data to support the claims. Help us build the data. This survey is for anyone who may have experienced an illegal eviction to add their experience and help us understand the larger picture of how this is happening and how we can end it.
- Are you a tenant in need of resources? Learn more about the resources available to you.
- Share this survey with anyone who may have been illegally evicted. Download these images and share this information far and wide.