Are You Looking for More Diverse Expertise in Your Group or Committee?

Having people with lived experience on your committees and working groups is considered best practice and a way to create more effective programs, policies and events. Our team is willing to sit on groups/committees throughout the sector to help share our skills and expertise. 

To inquire further, contact [email protected]


Testimonials From Our Partners:  

"Having two people with lived experience involved on the planning committee for the Ottawa Food Security Conference was tremendously valuable on many levels. It gave us new insights that allowed us to make more informed decisions that were based on collective knowledge instead of on assumptions. Including folks with lived experience has also been useful because it helped us build a culture of thinking and being open to thinking beyond our individual experiences."

- Ottawa Food Security Conference Planning Committee, Ottawa Food Bank

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Address: PO Box 22021, Ottawa, ON K1V 0W2

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