Citywide Rally for Affordable Housing: February 6th, 2019

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Citywide Rally for Affordable Housing: February 6th, 2019

A broad group of local community organizations including the Alliance to End Homelessness Ottawa have been advocating for affordable housing throughout the municipal election and leading up to the 2019 City Budget process. 
Join us at a city-wide rally in support of affordable housing. 
When: 9am, Wednesday February 6, 2019 
Where:  Marion Dewar Plaza, City Hall (Laurier entrance) 
Why:   Draft 2019 City Budget will be presented at 10am at a City Council meeting following
Who:   You, Your Tenants, Members, Staff & Board
Please feel free to circulate the attached poster. 
More than 1600 individuals have already signed a petition in support of the following campaign: 

The Alliance to End Homelessness Ottawa, Centretown Citizens Ottawa Corporation, City for All Women Initiative, Coalition of Community Health and Resource Centres of Ottawa, Healthy Transportation Coalition, and Ottawa ACORN join with community partners to request that Ottawa City Council commit at least $12 million of City funding in Budget 2019, over and above federal and provincial grants, to build new affordable housing.

While we feel strongly that $12 million in Budget 2019 is a meaningful and necessary short-term contribution to addressing the homelessness and affordable housing crisis in the nation’s capital, we also call on the City of Ottawa to do the following:

  • Pass a strong citywide inclusionary zoning by-law that ensures 25% of new development is dedicated to affordable housing and places a special emphasis on deeply affordable housing within 1 km of rapid transit stations;

  • Ensure that all available government-owned land within 1 km of current & future rapid transit stations is used for non-profit and co-op housing; and

  • Create a 2019-2022 Term of Council Priority that integrates transit and planning, with clear, affordable housing targets.

To add your signature to the petition, please visit the Healthy Transportation Coalition to let your voice be heard on these issues to City Council. 

Join us! 

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